Traveling in Warsaw

Official Tourist Website of Poland

Official Tourist Website of Warsaw

Jak dojadę  Internet service providing an interactive public transport journey planner. Input start and destination address and the application will spawn possible connections taking into account buses, tramways and subway.

Veturilo - public bikes system.

Public Transport Authority of the capital city of Warsaw
Żelazna 61 00-848 Warszawa • infoline 24h: 19 115

Ticket prices in the city centre:
20-minute ticket - 3,40 PLN
75-minute ticket - 4,40 PLN
24 hour ticket - 15 PLN

WKD – Warsaw Commuter Railway website (timetables, line maps, ticket prices)

SKM– Rapid Municipal Railway (timetables, line maps, ticket prices)

Following taxi companies are recommended by Warsaw airport:

Sawa Taxi 22 644 44 44
Super Taxi 196 22
Ele Taxi 8111 111