Abstracts guidelines
Abstracts should be sent in English, via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Submitters are kindly requested to do their utmost to provide a good translation of their text.
The abstract should include the following information:
Name (full first and surname), institution, postal address, e-mail
general info/topics
Title of the paper
Type of presentation: oral or poster
Abstract with references (max. 1200 words)
If there is more than one author, please specify the person who will be presenting the talk or poster. If you wish you can suggest one corresponding author.
- Maximum 3 figures (black-and-white only, TIF, BMP, JPG resolution 600 dpi)
- List of figure captions
- References should follow Archaeologia Polona, see below.
Deadline is 10 February 2015.
Notification of acceptance will be issued on 30 March 2015.
Accepted abstracts will be published in a special volume distributed to participants during registration. Since there will not be a lot of time to prepare the volume, the editors reserve the right to introduce editorial changes. If interference will be necessary in the text, the subsequent corrected texts will be sent to authors for authorization. Deadline for authorization of abstracts after adjustments made by editors is 15 April 2015.
The papers will be allocated according to the author's request for oral or poster presentation, however the organising committee reserves the right to reallocate them. Both oral and poster presentations are regarded as equally important. For information on presentation time and poster space, see guidelines for oral presenters and posters.
Further guidelines for submission
Text, figures and tables should be submitted in electronic form. It is essential that files with text and figures should be named using the author’s name as file name: e.g. Holmes.doc; Holmes_Fig1.tiff; Holmes_Fig2.tiff, etc. If the author sends out more than one text, please ensure that the files are numbered e.g. Holmes_1.doc; Holmes_1_Fig.1 etc; Holmes_2.doc; Holmes_2_Fig.1.tiff, etc.
Please supply a list of 4-7 keywords.
The text should be written using MS Word programme. The text should be in Times New Roman 12pt font. Insert only one space after full stops, NOT two.
Please do not supply text with embedded illustrations (submit them as separate individual files – see below).
Please avoid superscripts „6th‟ in 6th, 8th, etc. If your program does this automatically please SWITCH IT OFF.
Headings and sub-headings
Type these in upper and lower case characters, NOT all in capitals, e.g. Conclusions, not CONCLUSIONS). Use Bold for the top level, Italics for the second level. Please avoid using more than two weights of subheading.
Spelling and abbreviations
Please use UK spelling.
BC and AD (no punctuation) - also for upper case abbreviations / acronyms (UK, USA etc.)
e.g., i.e., cf., etc. (fullstops but no italics)
et al. and c. (italics and fullstops)
No fullstops after abbreviations such as m (=metre), cm (=centimetre), cms (=centimeters) and other abbreviations of measurements
A space should be used between a number and its unit of measurement, e.g. 98 cm
Leading zero before measurements and numbers that are less than 1, thus 0.56 and so on
Numbers from one to ten should be spelled out; higher numbers should be given in numerals, e.g., 11, 235, etc. No comma should be used for numbers with fewer than five digits, e.g., 5000, NOT 5,000; but 10,000.
If the abbreviation includes both the first and last letter of the abbreviated word, as in 'Mister' ["Mr"] and 'Doctor' ["Dr"], a full stop is not used.
Give centuries and millennia as, for example: 5th century BC, 2nd century AD etc. For specific years, the letters BC should follow the date, preceded by a space (e.g. 490 BC); the letters AD should precede the date, also with a space between the two (e.g. AD 499). If the date is approximate, indicate this with „c.‟ followed by a space and the date; in this case both BC and AD follow the date (for example, c. 733 BC; c. 353 AD).
Use hyphenation only adjectivally (for example, „in the 6th century‟ but „a sixth-century temple‟).
Please note also the following forms:
Saturday, 1 April 2011
1960s (not 1960’s)
1547-9; 1382-1420; 1910-18
Italics should be used for foreign words or transliterations. Please note that the surrounding punctuation should not be italicised. Exceptions to the use of italics are:
- when the word is part of a foreign language quotation
- when the word has already been sufficiently assimilated into the English language
Quotation marks
Use double quotation marks throughout, with single marks for a quotation within a quotation (e.g. ”text: ‘Use double quotation marks’ is all right‟).
Figures, tables and captions
Number figures, photos and plates in one sequence and refer to them all as Fig. For an illustration do not use “Plate‟ or “Table‟. Ensure that there is a numbered reference to each figure and table in the text. List all captions at the end of the article AFTER the Bibliography, or in a separate file.
Acknowledgments should appear at the end of the text and before the Reference list, as a separate paragraph headed “Acknowledgments”.
Use Harvard style (author and date, page number) followed by end-of-article bibliographies. Thus: “according to Holmes (1919: 221–223) it seems...‟ or “it has been stated (Holmes 1919: 221–223) that...‟.
Multiple citations should be in years of publication order and in case of the same year in alphabetical order and separated by a semi-colon, e.g. (Holmes 1919 221; Cahen et al., 1986; Whittle 1995: 105–107; Allard 2003: 69; Caspar and Burnez-Lanotte 2003: 52–54).
Where an author has several publications from the same year, distinguish them as a, b, etc. (eg. 1998a, 1998b). Do not use „ibid‟. If you wish to include more information, this should appear as a footnote numbered sequentially in Roman superscript numerals, single spaced, 10pt. Avoid using footnotes where it is possible and keep footnote material to a minimum. Do not use endnotes. Examples of the required bibliography format are given below. Please ensure that all references are complete. DO NOT use bold for volume numbers. For all citations and bibliographic references, spell out „and‟ between multiple authors and editors, do not use „&‟.Use full stops after initials in authors’ names.
Note that for an international audience all journal and series titles must be written out IN FULL, e.g. “International Journal of Osteoarchaeology‟, NOT “Int. J Osteo.‟, and “British Archaeological Reports‟, NOT “BAR‟.
Bottema, S. 1974. Late Quaternary vegetation history of North-Western Greece. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Groningen.
Journal article
Cruise, G.M. 1990. Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63: 299–313.
Lamb, H.H. and Tessier, L. 1987. Weather, climate and human affairs. London.
Edited book
Fairbairn, A.S. (ed.) 2000. Plants in Neolithic Britain and Beyond. Oxford.
Section in book
Foster, I.D.L. and Grew, R. 1990. Magnitude and frequency of sediment transport in the Po valley. In J. Boardman (ed.), Soil Erosion of Agricultural Land, 36–56. New York.
Section in book with multiple editors
Frayer, D.W. 1997. Ofnet: evidence for a Mesolithic massacre. In D. L. Martin and D. W. Frayer (eds), Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past, 181–216. Amsterdam.
Figures and tables
The volume layout will be in one column for text, and in one or two columns for figures (including tables and figures). Thus there is the option of having figures the width of either one column (60-80 mm width) or two columns (125 mm width). Prepare figures accordingly, and be sure to indicate intended size if not provided in the correct size (for example a large photograph).
All figures will be printed in black and white. Print out electronic images and graphs and check them before submission.
The following file types are acceptable for figures and tables:
Use Excel or Word. Use Arial font for tables, preferably in size 9, and no less than 8.
Charts and graphs
Use Excel. Charts and graphs should be designed to appear in black and white. Use patterns to distinguish bars on graphs, etc. rather than colour or tone, which lose clarity when printed in black and white.
Figures and scanned images
TIFF is preferred format for figures. Save in resolution 600 dpi.
TIFF, EPS are the preferred formats for scanned images,
Scan photographic prints at 600 dpi, slides at 1200 dpi.
Scan black and white figures at 600 dpi.
Scan mixed line and tone illustrations at 600 dpi.
PDF files: use high resolution only. Do not compress images when saving.
Submit the image in the size it is intended to appear.